In over 30 years of running projects around the world, we often identified in our clients’ businesses the need for training in key areas that have delivered exceptional outcomes once the people within the organisation underwent such training

As part of the delivery of program and project support to many of our clients (be they small, medium, or large) we have continued to implement training programs where such a need is identified. Our training modules are simple, high impact and delivered within a day, meaning less downtime for the business.

Over the years we have refined our courses and made sure that the content “moves with the times” and remains relevent to the market and industry to whom we deliver the training. Delivered as either part of a program we undertake with an orgainsation or as stand alone training, we are confident that they will bring your organisation exactly what you need – results!

Some of our modules include:-

The Ultimate ChatGPT Course

Unlock the Power of Conversational AI for Business

OpPoRTuNiTY $elling:  Understanding the psychology of retail selling, the sales structure and how to apply these proven techniques to increasing your sales. Learn skills to improve your ability to identify buying signals, and turn these into sales, and to do more with each customer. This is aimed at people in the sales field and will bring results, regardless of if the attendee is new to sales, or has been in sales for many years.

The Cash Within – Understand your cashflow with the management tools we will give you. We will show you how to drive a simple yet highly effective cashflow management model which takes into account the real life workings of your business. This will give you foresight into the upcoming peaks and troughs in your cash, and will show you where cash may possibly be hiding in your business. This course will give you the power to take control.

Effective Business Planning – The old adage of most businesses don’t plan to fail, but fail to plan has never been truer. Learn how to work up a business plan that you can use not just as a map to your desired goals, but to regularly measure your progress against your stated intent. Better understand your current environment and opportunities, and identify those priorities that are important and those that are critical to survival and success.

Project Management And Control – Businesses often undertake projects within their organisation that do not correspond with the activities of their core business and are performed by under qualified staff. Project management is a learned skill and requires a certain formwork to deliver success. We bring the knowledge and experience of project management from around the world to this course in a manner that is easy for small business to adopt. We help you to identify the 5 key fundamental requirements for establishing planning and control, and how to apply these to planning the plan for your business.

The Ultimate Business Dashboard – Racing car drivers and elite athletes thrive and succeed on having timely accurate information at their fingertips so they can bend and flex with changes in their environment. High performing businesses do the same. We show you how to dig out the key performance indicators of your business (the ones that will give you the real picture!), how to interpret them, and how to take actions to rectify the problems and ride the wave of existing and emerging successes.

Finding Cash For Your Business – Despite the tough economic climate, there are sources of cash available to your business. We explore the funding ladder and show you which rungs apply to the needs and current state of your business. We particularly focus on the lower rungs of the funding ladder, and explore both the traditional and non traditional forms of funding, and how to go about accessing these to suit the particular requirements and needs of your business.

Excel-ing In Your Business – Demystify the power of Microsoft Excel and how you can use it more effectively in your business. Learn how to build the tools you need for yourself and in a manner that presents the information in the format you require. Become empowered by getting a broad understanding of the workings of Excel, and learn skills that will be useful across a range of industries and applications for your entire business life.

Understanding Your Balance Sheet – Business owners and managers often leave the power and knowledge contained in the company’s balance sheets with their accountant, not knowing the true meaning of the figures around their numbers. We aim to simplify the terminology and the numbers, showing you just what they mean, and how to read them to fully understand the health and position of your business, allowing you to make more informed decisions about the direction and activities of your company.

Also –

·         Leadership
·         Entrepreneurship
·         Maintaining motivation and direction during economic downturns